The website for artist Corporal Rabbit
I am Corporal rabbit... Buts you knew that already so lets get into it. My real irl name is Israel, I know, it's a VERY unfortunate name to have right now but what can you do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I will not be giving out my last name because that feels too real, and I don't have a middle name so you won't be getting that either. I was born 12/21/2004 (December 21st, 2004) in the great city of Garden Grove, California. Sadly (not really) I only was there for a couple months so I really don't remember anything at all from that time in my life, but we moved all the way to the otherside to Georgia. We only lived in Georgia for a bit over 2 years and moved out of there when i was about 3 years old... And we ended up moving to the awesome amazing state of WASHINGTON!
I still kinda remember the plane ride and arriving at the airport. For a bit we lived with my brothers dads family and eventually moved out and lived with a mother and daughter for a good long while. We lived in a town called fife and that's where i went to school for a good long while. We eventually (around the time i was in 4th grade) moved out of that apartment and into our own apartment, literally across the street, so i was able to stay in my school and stuff and it was awesome sauce. My school life was pretty normal, i had a decent amount of friends since i was always a really nice kid, except at recess sometimes no one wanted to play with me so i would just walk around the field or play shed ball which idk if thats really a known thing but its like kickball but without the baseball aspect of it so its just kicking the ball and trying to catch it and whoever caught it became the new kicker. I was only kicker 2 times in my shed ball career.
In i think 5th grade, my church started doing thhis thing where they would teach people instruments, I think it was mostly supposed to be for the older people at my church like around 15+ but my older brother was there (he's 12 years older than me) and the guy leading the thing said i could learn too. I was then tasked to pick The instrument I wanted to learn, which was pretty hard for little 10 year old me. Did I wanna learn drums? Guitar? Bass? I ended up choosing piano. was that the right choice??? I think so as it's always easier to learn basic music theory and stuff on piano. They only really did those classes for about a month and it was 1 class a week, but i learned enough and ended up mostly teahcing myself later on. They then put me onto playing piano at my church every now and then. I then finally moved up into middle school and still went to school in fife for 6th grade.
but then sadly we had to move up to the horrible city of kent for my 7th grade... School was fun though, I made a whole lot of friends, had my first gf there, and i played sports like football and wrestling. We ended up moving not even a year later to the great state of texas... but we didn't like it so we came back to washington about a week later (*/ω\*).
we lived with this family from church that we were very good friends with (still are) and i started going to school in the city of Tacoma. We then moved into our own apartment which was in a different city but i kept going to school in tacoma since i didn't wanna have to switch schools again. I then was about to start highschool and applied to TSOTA (Tacoma School Of The Arts) In which after a VERY long proccess (not really) i was accepted.
When i started going i thought the school was amazing. Everyone was nice and i was making a whole big lot of friends and stuff...until covid hit... I will be skipping the covid period of my life as it consisted of me playing minecraft, league of legends, and overwatch, watching twitch and youtube, and just sleeping. once we officially went back to school i was a junior, and me and my friends started a band. It was my first band and we were kinda a mix of grung and alt rock kinda like a shitty mix of unwound, pixies, and nirvana. we had lots of fun in that band and we played a couple shows, until the summer when frienship drama kicked in and the drummer was kicked out of our friend group and band. we later got a new drummer and i went from playing bass to playing guitar, we also got a new bassist. We then ended up switching genres going from alt rock/grunge, to hardcore punk. to be honest we kinda sounded alot like this other local band but thats besides the point. If you had to ask me, i had more fun when we were doing the alt rock sound because it felt less serious and try hardy. It was okay though because i was later kicked out of both the band and friend group for some very stupid and fake reasons. I was accused of very bad things that i never did and so i was removed.
I went through a pretty bad depression having lost all my friends, and stopped going to school my last semester of my senior year. Thankfully thanks to me being very smart, i managed to finish all my school work during the last 2 weeks of school and i graduated. After that I didn't really do much, I had a couple odd jobs, tried going to college but my financial aid didn't go through in time, and kept working on music and playing a couple random house and bar shows.
In February of 2024 after a big breakup, i decided to get off my ass and start a new band. I found a drummer who i knew from playing house shows, and he knew these two girls from shows and stuff or something and we started the band Corporal Rabbit. Sadly, since all the members were 22 and finishing up college, they all moved back to their homes and i was yet again left alone.
oh yeah somewhere around 7th grade i started learning guitar at church but they stopped doing classes a couple weeks in and i lowkey dropped learning guitar until i was like 16 when i started learning again and im still learning since im still not that amazing at it.
There isn't much of a happy ending yet as I don't have many friends and spend most of my time home but I'm pretty happy and looking forward to my future, I am sure things will start looking up soon.
That's basically my whole story thanks for reading!