The website for artist Corporal Rabbit
Today i sit in my room, but its different.. if you know me or have ever seen me on other socials then you know about my room, it was kinda iconic tbh. it was full of pokemon poster, pokemon cards, cd cover things, drawings, anything i could put up i did. it was basically my highschool bedroom even though i only got this room in my junior year, it was like a mainstay for me or whatever that means idk. i was living and sleeping in livingrooms since i lived with my mom and brother and they would get their own rooms so i would just sleep in the living rooms. anyways so my brother moved out right before i started my junior year and so i got the room. anyways throughout all the time i had it i decorated it to my liking and it was awesome. i dont have a pic of it rn on my laptop but ill put it up tmmr or monday if i have time.. anyways
so since im moving i have to put everything away and.. now my room is bare with nothing on the walls and souless and empty feeling.. idk its kinda a big emotional moment for me yk. so much has happened in this room.. if we were good friends in highschool or even after (not many people at all after) you would know the many atories that would come out of this room, sleepovers, hangouts, getting drunk and high and basically having parties in my room with like 3 people, not being able to leave the room at night because of my evil amazingly adorable but evil dog zeus (RIP) would attack anyone who came into the house, first girlfriends, first recordings of songs, just so much has happened here, so much good and bad, and its hard to let go.. its hard for me to move on i guess like ive been so stunted ever since highschool so i feel like once im out its all gonna change.. i know its for the best yk like.. idk how to explaimn but i DO need to move on and i think this room holds so much i really do just need to let it go.. but its sad seeing it empty.. idk its like when im gone its all gone and i just finally have to let it pass. i might be repeating myselfd alot rn but idk its hard to articulate how i feel rn.
right now im listening to old cds i burned back then, and some more recent ones, but im listening to sodaboy64 right now.. for yall who dont know, sodaboy64 is like my top artist of all time, he got me through the terrible era that was 2020 and all that bullshit, he got me through breakups, sad nights, even good nights yk, his music always just spoke to me on a level that other artist music didnt. i started listening to him when i lived at my old place but i got super into him when i was at this place.. like SUPER into him, hes partially the reason i wanted to get better at guiytar cuz i wanted to play all his songs.. anyways listening to all these old songs and stuff is jkust hitting even harder, especially the song playing rn better days if you listen to it maybe youll understand but idk at the moment and time when i would listen to it it was something special.. sitting on the bus on my way to working thinking about everything goin on..idk its just alot i guess...
okay im getting tired and even more sad so imma end it right here before i start crying again, thanks for reading goodbye chat!
Okay So i often forget that 1. I exist, and 2. anyone else exist... i really am living in my own world most of the time not even on purpose im just so reclusive i dont think about many other people most of the time, also with all that i went through being home 24/7 not being able to move or anything, i think that kinda fucked me up too
But i think its time for me to get back to a normal like feeling life again soon so lets talk about some of the good things that are hopefully coming up soon.
so like i said my eczema is so good now like its basically gone now, i do still gfet itcby and stuff but im being so careful about it now like i am constantly moistourizing, not scratching, using stuff with no scent, and loike all that stuff yk, and i think it is helping but its only been a couple days that ive been healing so we'll see how it goes. Also after so long of trying they finally gave me EBT so now we'll be able to eat food which is gonna be amaaaazinnnngggg. okay we've been able to eat and whatever but its bard shopping for food when theres almost no money yk. but anyways well be ble to get food a little less stresfully which is pretty nice. My mom finally is getting a job hopefully its gonna be pretty awesome prolly. not sure if i got into this before before i disappreared but she has an old manager from when she used to work at panda, that has his own cafes in seattle, and for a very very long time he wanted my mom to be the manager but since its all the way in seattle and we've always lived in the surrounding tacoma area, it was just too far. but now that she needs the job he didnt really have snything until recently where he heared my moms full story about all that happened and really wanted to help so hes gonna move around things on others scheduels or something and hes gonna give her at least 20 hours, which isnt much but its a start and he sid he was gonna give her more hours as time goes by. also its okay because we're still gonna be here in tacoma for a month or two until.. ill get to that in a second but yeah so its okay its less hours so she doesnt have to go over there on the train toooo much and also my brother is gonna help out with her staying over there since he lives there idk if i said that before lmao. anyways so since my brother is like kinda a bit important with his company sorta hes like the maintenance supervisor for 2 apartment buildings in seattle he said he can prolly easily get me a job there but i do need to get my ID and license and stuff first which is so hard because im literally so stupid and prolly will fail the knowlegde test again and again.. do not judge me okay like how the fuck am i supposed to know you gotta turn off the brights at 500 yards, HOW AM I EVEN SUPPOSED TO KNOW HOW FAR 500 YARDS IS?!?!?!?! anyways so he'll prolly get me a job at a building then i can maybe get the discount from that for an apartment and then ill be living in seattle! not super duper sure how i feel about it yet but i know it'll be a whole new thing for me. the pros are,
1.i can go to way more shows of bands i like because none of them will ever come to tacoma and only play in seattle when they tour.
2. i can play more shows since i know seattl;e bands and people and theres more open mics and stuff like that.
4. new life to start i can start fresh maybe make some friends idk
here are the cons
5.i finally get to live out my dream of being in a big city i love the city i love the vibes i wanna be like one of those depressed city people ive always loved that and i love buildings and lights and standing out in the balcany and all that stuff and the smell and the cold and everything idk i just am such a city person that no one even understands, also i can pretend its the 2000s in new york and pretend that the strokes and interpol and metric and yeah yeah yeahs are like all like my neighbors, io know that sounds crazy and delusional but you guys dont get me
2.we're still not super sure if the apartment i will end up working at will give me the discount apparently some dont but even so, if my mom workds more hours and i can maybe even get a secoind job, we will be able to make it work.
3. a whole change in like idk culture?? where i live theres always been many hispanics and mexican stores and things we are so used to that we wont have over there, its gonna be a pretty big change.
4. things are so expensive
but yeah thats all about that, ill hopefully get that job and move and ill finally be out of the hell hole known as tacoma where all my truama stems from #real
new update on the insane "M" situation. we will be meeting up eventually soon!
i messaged him asking if he wanted his old leather jacket back that he gave me because i cant really take it rn when we move so i was thinking i could give it back and stuff and he said yes and that we canm like maybe catch up and stuff and its gonna be so sos sos s sos son sos os osso sos os osos os os sosososososoososososoososos wesoem for me
remember guys i miss this dude like crazy, even with everything that happened and like idk its so much emotionally rn but its so exciting and and scary and everything rn....
my mom though.. she REALLY doesnt like M lmao. she saw how depressed i got after everything that happened so she kinda hilds a big gruge against all my old friends..anyways i had to be like " noooo mom dont worry, we're not gonna like be besties we're just gonna talk its okay." but its so funmny my mom doesnt even want me NEAR him, but im still gonna do this i need this mostly for myself and also just to talk to him, idk if we're gonna like get into everyhting idk what hes planning to talk or ask about i mean like what if this is just a big plan to get all my enemies and jump me.. i dont think so but you never know! anwyays im excited and it'll help me mentally i think, hopefully its soon we didnt pick a specific date yet so its up in the air.
anyways yeah so big moves and moments are coming yk like life changing stuffd... also when we move to the small room for the next month or 2, i wont be able to record anything so there wont be music for a bit, but im recording very bad egg punk inspired (ripoff) songs sso ill upload those onto streaming when im done with them, prolly wont be till next week but its like some of the most fun and least stressful and annoying kinda songs ive made recently, im back to recording off audacity because i could never get reaper to sound the way i want and im just bad at recording anyways so imma just go back to my normal shitty recording style that tbh prolly fits me better anyways.
but yeah thats it end of story big things coming soon and everything so yeah goodbye chat!!!
HEY GUYS!! you guys have no IDEA how good of i mood i am in right now!! okay well it started off pretty bad, i was crying cuz i was missing M again and thinking about the oasr and stuff but then later i got over it. Anyways im feeling AMAZING! my eczema was VERY debilitating or however you spell that. anyways yeah so it was really bad like i couldnt even really move my arms or walk or do ANYTHING AT ALL!!!! but hey look at me now! i cam stretch i can move i can walk i can even GO OUTSIDE! yall i have been laying down on the couch and bed for 2 weeks straight... when i went outside for the first time in those 2 weeks, my legs literally started giving out like they were shaking and so tired i felt like i was gonna fall i had to sit down. i went back home and realized i have to do baby steps so it'll still take a bit but today i went out longer and did stuff and i ended up being able to walk and stand without being so tired! the one thing coming out of this is my skin is like discolored now.. its like a darker reddish brown than i usually am.. if you didn't know i am mexican with heavy native roots to the point where most people dont even ever think im mexican, most people just assume im like native american, samoan, filipino, indian, one time an uber driver started talking to me in korean and i was like "erm what sorry?" then he kept talking and i was like "uhm sorry idk what you're saying" and he said "you're korean aren't you?" and i was like "no.." and he was like "oh! im so sorry you looked korean from here". now i dont see the korean one because like i dont look korean, but the other ones i do kinda see.. me and my mom were looking at old photos of me since we're moving and it was like elementary photos you know like where you have the goofy ass backgrounds and horrible outfits.. anyways we were lookin at those and she was saying how i looked asian in those photos. anyways i forgot where i was going with this let me read back... OH YEAH, so anyways my skin is kinda discolored and kinda looks like a huge scar over my whole arm and stomach and legs... anyways aside from that like i said i am amaaaazinngggg!!! okay thats it for now i gotta do lots of stuff in a bit so imma go! bye bye chatters!
Hello everyone, so as you all know, i went to the er right cuz i needed to heal from that whole eczema thingf right? well turns out it wasnt even infected but besides that it got bad again so i had to go to the er again but this time it was better because im actually healing for realz this time. so hopefully i will get back to posting on here.
so today, or yesterday i guess, i made the bold decision of adding back one of my old bestfriends on instagram.. if you have read my about me section you will know all aboput how in highschool my friends dropped me for reasons that i wont get into... those who know what happened know and those who dont dont... anyways so i added him because i miss him like crazy and i wish every day that maybe theres a small chance that we can maybe talk again or something like that, you know at least like a small convo or something, now i know he knows about this website because i also added someone else from that group and we got to talking... now i also missed this person but not as much as i missed my old bestfriend who was like a brother to me you know. theres like 1 dream a week where hes in there and we are still friends to this day then i wake up and we arent friends i get really sad, then i go back to my photos and look at old pictures of those times and get more sad...
so like i said he knows of this website idk if hes gonna be checking in anytime soon but if he is, if you are.. you should text me fr fr cuz i aint doing that shit first, i made a whole ass blog post the least you could do is text me first yk.
but yeah i miss him like crazy most days, especially recently since its been like a little over 2 years since that all happened and i still cry about it many days of the month. this isnt me asking for pitty from you or me trying to make you feel bad for me because thats now what im tryin to do yk im just being honest here. i know we prolly wont be bestfriends or prolly not friends in general if we are being honest, but it would be nice to talk because it makes me sad that we dont, you were like my first friend in highschool that made me feel accepted, you were also like my first bestfiend ever in general, since i never really ahd a really really close friend like that until you came along.. i still think about the sleepovers and car rides where we just talked about stuff cuz i dont have that anymore with anyone, i never felt confortable with anyone else after that really, comfortable in the way where i truly could actually tell you anything at all. i know it wouldnt be like that, i know we both have likely changed as people in general, well me kinda i guess idk im still the same loser as befiore if you couldnt tell.
i guess all i really mean by all of this, and what i wanna say is i miss you alot, like really alot and it would be kinda nice to be able to talk maybe a little if you are up for it. you can even call or come over and my mom will make you chorizo because i know you really like it alot, even though my mom doesnt really like you right now, im sure we can change that and she will make us food.
thats the end of that section of this blog post
so i wasnt able to get innto this because it happened like 2 weeks ago when i started getting really bad and couldnt move out of bed because of the whole eczema wound thing thagt i have talked about before, but recently my mom lost her job because the manager waslike feeling inferrior to her because my mom is a boss bitch and shes awesome so he felt intimidated and like she was gonnatake his job or something, anyways we are pretty poor and i still am unable to find a job in this job market also i am mexican and places dont like us. but my mom is very close to getting a job and stiuff, its hard since she isnt from the US (i wont get super into the stuff like that because yk) but we know lots of people and they know people so she was able to get some leads on some jobs and this one is the closest to closing out, although it aint the best it will do for now. along side that we will have to move out of our aoartment because we wont be able to afford it so we will be moving into our old old roommates (also in my about me) house where we'll be renting a room. So its back to sharing a room with my mother like i did for most of my like from borth to 6th grade. but anyways when i get my license my brother will help me get a job with the company hes at since hes like in management there now and makes lots of money and so he could prolly get me a job, but it wo-uld be in seattle so i would have to either take the train or drive, and idk which is more annoying.
but anyways i think thats it, moral of the story, plwase text me back "M" because yeah that woiuldbe cool. tha ks and goodbye chat.
hello yall sorry ive been gone... you see remember my eczema wounds?? well they got super infected so i had to go to the ER and get that sorted out but now im doing lots better. they also finally gave me health insurance!!! anyways i might be gone for a little again as i heal though i know no one goes onto this site.. anyways imma change this whole site so dont be surpised when everything is changed!! be back soon!
Edit: i actually dont wanna revamp this whole site thats way too much work if im bein honest... ALSO i forgot to mention i put up some songs on spotify heres the link anyways thats kinda it for now bye bye
hello everyone!!! or maybe just hello no one??? you may have noticed ive been gone for quite a while... i want to assure you that i am all okay!!1 ive been having some personal mental issues tbh and have had 0 motivation for anything at all. but i am doing very much okay now!! well kinda... you see this whole deportation thing is pretty scary for me as my mom isnt a citezen of the US... dont tell the governemtn!!! as you can see there is a LOT of typos and thats because idk i dont feel like trying too hard on this typing thing like its my fucking website i can literally say whatever the fuck i want. anyways my eczema wounds are a LOT better its almost all cleared up and now i just gotta deal with the normal eczema but thats WAAAAY more manageable. i went on a date a couple days ago with this really aweosme amazing cute girl.. ill give her the name sarah for now. you see i have a type... picture a shorter girl around 5'0 to 5'5, she wears sundresses/skirts and leggings, cute boots or like chucky heals or whatever idk like school shoes??? not like school girl shoes but like idk how to explain, leg warmers, a cardigan, long dark hair a coat abd yeah idk if you can picture it but here are some pictures of what i mean
so yeah basically thats my type, also like similar music taste, preferably on the spectrum (autism) because i dont wanna be the only weirdo, reads books and so we can share about the books we are reading, plays pokemon and fortnite because no one else wants to ever play fortnite with me ever and its so upsetting, and also is nice... but yeah anyways i went on a date with sarah and shes basically that outside of the fortnite... but thatws okay, but yeah she dresses like that obviously, shes like an indie /indie folk/ indie rock/ folk rock kinda girl so we have that in common!!! shes really kind and nice and funny and like everything i would ever want in someone... the issue comes in which is the fact that shes leaving washington in 2 weeks......... i know i know my life is comepletly unfair.. this is the 3rd time this has happened rto me... she doesnt know about this website but she knows about corporal rabbit so idk if imma say much else about her but itll be okay, its washington and im not saying its a basic style at all because i almost dont really see many people dressed like that a whole lot (granted i dont really leave my house in the first place) around me here in tacoma but when i go to the olympia or seattle or such areas i do see them a tiny bit more.. anyways im sure ill find someone who is lined into what im into both style wise and personality wise at some point, i dont think ive ever talked about the kind of clothes i wear... tbh i dresss pretty boring... i usually vary from dressing like stephen malkmus from pavement and stuart from marin music center youtube iykyk, i also wear like sweaters and way oversized carhartt jackets, which is not apporpriating the blue collar worker culture because i have worked construction before so i can wear carhartt. but yeah thats how i dress mostly like stephen malkmus and the sweaters with big jackets not just carhartt but like columbia and like other stuff. also i mostly wear either adidas or reboks and baggy jeans, ive been dressing like this for a while so dont say im just a trendy loser... i just dress like this because i do NOT like when i can feel the clothes wrap around me so i purposefully wear clothes that are bigger on me.. sometimes sorta i look kinda sorta frumpy but i rather that than be uncomfortable. anyways some people have said i dres cool but idk its pretty boring compared to what other indie/ alt people dress like.. sometimes i wish i was a girl so i could dress like those pictures i linked above that would be so fun i would be so happy. but anyways yeah i think thats it, im not gonna fix any of the typos imma just keep typos in every entry i do... also ive been listening to the "Days" EP by vacations a whole lot recently so yall should check it out its pretty good imo. thats it now goodbye chat!!!
Hey chat.. i almost forgot about topday but it was another "i slept all day" kinda days.. buut anyways some of my eczema wounds are back and its really annoying and makes me not want to move but i think maybe its getting better. cold showers help so much so ill keep doin that to keep me from wanting to kill myself. it still hurts alot to be in some kinds of positions since the wounds are mostly all over my arms and in my elbow pits so i cant really stretch my arms out fully because it feels like my skin is ripping open so im in a constant state of trex arms. i hope soon itll get better tho so i can start moving around again.. i wanna be able to walk properly too ince i also have it pretty bad in my knee pits so it hurts to stretch my legs out too.. but they cold showers help alot it keeps me from being itchy and like feels nice but im usually so cold so idk its a good and a bad yk... anyways there isn't really much on my mind rn because i just sleep waiting for my wounds to heal so i can start going outside and taking walks and stuff because the cold and dry also makes my eczema worse but its okay. so yeah i think thats all for today.. well actually i was thinking about how im like so out of music ideas so i havent even touched a guitar in a couple days... along with the wounds since its on my arms so it kinda hurts to play anything anyways.. idk maybe its the depression keeping me from even wanting to continue music anyways yk. but also i dont listen to music much rn i think im just going through a bad rut where im a little tired of music but i'm pretty sure soon ill come back into loving music and obsessing over recording and stuff so ill be back with some more music soon. anyways NOW thats it for today, hopefully you all are living a better life as i am since i wouldn't wish anyone to have such a boring nothing life like i do. so hopefully all of you are living good and feeling good and are happy. send me ur prayers hoping that my life gets better LMAO hopefully yall are wishing for a better life for me but i dont think anyone besides like my mom and brother and charlie care for me but that's okay because one day ill be super famous and have so many loving and caring fans and then olivia rodrigo falls in love with me and then we get married and make an album together that will make alt rock big again. anyways hope yall are good and stuff and i hope things get better for me... have a good night!
Hey chat.. so im kinda in a bit of a mental predicament today. before i start i want charlie yes you charlie, to STOP reading, it is VERY embarrassing what im about to say and i dont want this to effect how you think of me and stuff.. its nothing really that bad but please its just embarrassing.
okay so charlie STOP reading... okay so last night after making that last blog post for some reason i could not for the life of me get charlie off my mind... i started thinking about what it would be like to actually marry them and everything i said in that post... its really really cringe but from then on whenever i think of them i get this really warm and fuzzy feeling and its weirding me out... idk if i am yet again developing a crush on them which is NOT what i want... i dont want to ruin the one only good friendship i have with stupid trivial feelings in which im not even sure are real... but everytime i think of them now i feel really warm and stuff its very very weird and confusing because i thought all those feelings were truly gone!!! but i have fallen in love once againg... did i??? I DONT KNOW GUYS... i wont be doing anything about it because like i said i dont want to ruin things and i dont want anything to really change because they're my bestfriend and if i make things weird i might lose them and i really do NOT want that because they are one of the most awesomest amazingest spectacularist people eveer to walk on this god forsaken earth... maybe its a teenie little mini micro crush but i will soon be sure to bury it all down down down down! For legal reasons this whole paragraph is a joke and in minecraft..
Okay charlie you can start reading again.
on some other very embarrassing news.. i can't explain why at all but i have been very obsessed with watching luna bloom asmr.. i think i MIGHT be very much deeply in love with her.. if you have never seen any of her videos you are not allowed to judge me at all because you have not experienced her absolute BEAUTY like oh my god she is so ksos sosososososososososososososososo crazily pretty??? like how can a person be so pretty and beautiful and like kind and funny and silly and like how can someone be this perfect??? charlie is like that too.. JOKE... guys i really need to get over this silly little crush its gonna ruin my life like scott pilgrim vs the world... (negative xp referance(i dont like him anymore guys it was only during 2020 and 2021 plz believe me)) so anyways i cant stop watching her videos and staring at her shes so pretty and i cant keep my eyes poff her even when she tells me to follow the light or her finger or whatever, and he voice is so soft and caring sounding and kind i just want to marry her.. If you couldnt tell i am basically in love with all women/ femme people... they're all so pretty oh my god i love women so much even the ones that hate men (i get it) i love them too even if they hate me i will still love them because women/femme people are all perfect beings and can do no wrong and are amazing... EXCEPT for all my ex's.. well not all of them but like 75% of them.
anyways thats the end of todays post. oh yeah i listened to the gorilaz today i like them alot.. i havent been listenint to much music lately mostly since i spend most of my time watching tv or watching luna bloom... but yeah thats about it for todays post i hope yall have an amazing night thank you!!!
Okay so maybe it isn't the 10th anymore but no one has to know about that okay? I'm in an intresting mood and i ain't to sure how i feel right now. I lost my one easier chance at getting a job so I'm still looking around to get a job somewhere and anywhere that will hire me. On some good news, my eczema wounds are healing up now and so now i can move my arms around a little more freely and that's been pretty nice. I forgot to make the post not becuase i forgot but because i was asleep all day long! If it wasn't obvious, I am pretty heavily depressed... I mean how could I not be? I mean i have no job, no friends, no money, no relationships... nothing. I know I know I know, it sounds very sad.. and it really is, but hey what can you do you know.. okay well now im feeling kinda sad so lets talk about something that'll make me feel better.
right now im talking to my good ol bestfriend! There's so much i could say about them, so so so much. So i dont dox them ill give them the name charlie (maybe because i am watching its always sunny rn lmao.) now me and charlie met about almost 3ish years ago and we met through my at the time bestfriend as they were dating. Me and charlie then became friends and continued to even when they broke up. ever since me and charlie have been bestfriends, well at least on my side they're my bestfriend i hope it's mutual. it's kinda funny at one point in our friendship i was really in love with them, mostly because i could tell them about anything and talkk to them for hours and hours and hours. sadly they didn't share those same feelings and so that never happened but thats okay i still love them but as a friend yk. Sometimes though i do think "sigh im in love with them" but then i forget about that and shove my feelings deep deep down. just kidding i don't think i have any feelings for them in that way, but in some ways i do want to marry them and be with them forever, not even really in a romantic way but like bestfriends who are platonically in love and hug eachother and have cats together and legally married for tax reasons, but do believe me on this i am not in love with them romantically just platonically. Charlie if you are reading this, will you marry me and we can live a good happy platonic life together where we don't have to worry about dating anyone since we've both had terrible dating histories and so we can just have eachother and stuff. If you say no then this is a joke, also know that i AM drunk, and future me you are not allowed to delete this because you have to deal with the consequences of your actions. anyways no matter what ill still love you charlie you have always been there for me no matter what and you're so kind to me and whenever i need someone to talk to and all that i know that even if we dont talk everyday and we can go a while without talking i know that i can always count on you and ill always really deeply love you (platonically dont worry)
Sorry yall i went on a little tangent there it was kinda unneeded i just really miss charlie most days as they are pretty much my only friend and person i talk to on a normal bassis.. i've had the idea to make like an exclusive album where i record amazing groundbreaking music that could change lives and make people feel emotions they've never felt, but only put it out on cd and on my website, then many years later someone finds the file of one of my songs and people start searching everywhere for it and then they find an archive of this website and they think they find it but the files dont work and they try everything they can to get it to work but they can't, then someone magically finds one of the cds and they get so excited but it has cd rot and sounds really bad, then someone gets the idea to send me and e-mail and i see it! i then send them the music and everyone thinks its super amazing and people love me then i get tons and tons of fans and people love me and i can finally live out my dream. so basically i wanna pull a panchiko and have a fun life and stuff.
anyways i think thats it for now, ill be back later today if im awake and make a new post! sending love to everyone reading even if its only 1 or 2 people im glad you are taking the time to read thank you. have a goodnight everyone!
OMG I almost totally forgot to do this today... I'm watching It's always sunny in philadelphia, i just started it because idk i hear its funny so i wanted to try it out yk.. It's only episode one and i think it's funny but i have to watch more to really make a solid decision on it.. today was another pretty boring day if i say so myself. I really like listening to music on CD in my car because sometimes plugging it in doesnt work that well.. i drive a 2012 honda civic as my daily and it has the usb thing that was made to connect ipods. anyways it works like 90% of the time and then sometimes it just stops working while im driving. So sometimes i just use my cd's cuz its just easier yk. I've had "is this it" by the strokes in there and like i've loved that album for so long but everytime i listen to it i love it more and more.
To be so honest i don't have much to say today because i don't even really do anything with my life but tomorrow i'll figure some fun stuff to talk about dont worry! have a good night ya'll
So today i was supposed to go take my written drivers test, but when i got there they were CLOSED! the little paper said that they were gonna be closed for a week for "maintenance" which if you ask me, sounds like a lie from the government trying to keep me from getting my drivers licence... It might also be my fault for always pushing it back.. im 20 and still don't have my license which is kinda embarrassing but like i still drive just not legally... If anyone here is a cop or anything like that please dont report me I promise ill get my license soon. Also the website builder thing im using doesn't give me the thing where it tells you if what you wrote is spelled right or wrong and whatever so there'll prolly be a whole lot of typos and misspellings because i am very bad at doing that.
Today for some reason I felt strong 2018/2019 summer vibes and i can't really explain why. I think maybe its because it was ssunny but it was like 40 something degrees all day so I'm not very sure what it was. SO because if those vibes i wanted to listen to the music i listened to at the time of that stuff you know. Here's the playlist I used to use all the time that i made in like middle school and part of highschool. A really funny thing about this playlist is that i sent it to this girl i had a crush on because she was asking about music i like and so i sent her the playlist and she said that our music taste was super similar and whatever. But thats not it... she said i listened to "simp" music and that i was prolly simping alot. The funny thing about that is like in early 2019 the term "simp"" was like different and not really used much at all. Honestly I'm like always ahead of the curve for somethings.. like okay fine maybe i learned simp from someone else but whatever.. but like i listened to midwest emo before it was cool like i was in middle school when i first listened to mom jeans and modern baseball like everyone just wants to be me yk. I am glad a lot of the stuff i listened to and was relatively unknown and been getting lots of recognition yk.
Today i ate a food known as "alambre" which is mexican food because i am in fact mexican. It consist of stir fry steak, ham, bacon, onions, bell peppers, special secret sauces my mom puts in, and last but not least cheese! Me and my mom LOVE cheese its a problem. alambre is my all time favorite food to be fully honest. it has so much flavor and all the types of meat i love so much, I could honestly eat it everyday for the rest of my life and not get tired of it. Same with the lime cilantro rice i make in whihc i add refried beans and whatever meat is in the fridge that i can cook. I really love eating that. I usually dont put refried beans now that im thinking about it... sometimes i dont even have meat. But when i dont i just eath the rice it's self, of course, i put cheese ontop of the rice and i use the tobasco siracha sauce which surprisingly really really good you all should try it, but it surprised me because i really do NOT like tobasco... it taste really bad. I also dont really like tapatio... i know that sounds crazy given i am mexican BUT i have my reasons, which is that valentina is just better... look tapatio is completely fine like if theres nothing else but tapatio thats fine ill put some on there. But valentina just has more flavor and stuff and just feels better. IDK maybe this will get me hate but whatever.
Recently i started reading the book "trader" by Charles De Lint, which so far has been pretty good! It's about this cool guitar luthier guy that switches bodies with this loser guy who does nothing with his life and is really pretentious about movies, horror movies mostly im pretty sure... those kinds of people are literally the kind of people i find most annoying... but i wont get into that because it'll piss me off frfr. anyways rn the main dude is homeless because the guy in the body before him didn't pay rent so he got evicted.. so rn hes sleeping on a park bench with a stray dog that is now his friend which is very cute. I'm looking forward to finishing the book but i often forget to read so it'll prolly take me a while so I'll let ya'll know once I'm done or something crazy happens. There's also 2 other side plots, the story changes prespectives to the other characters in the book which is pretty fun and kinda keeps my gen z ADHD brainrotted brain more invested. It's a pretty cool book that, while i haven't yet finished it, would reccomened to anyone here that likes to read
I think that does it for todays entry, since i haven't really done much at all but i usually don't really do much so these mostly will just be me ranting about whatever is on my mind which i LOVE doing lmao. Thanks for reading todays entry and i hope ya'll have a goood evening!
So today i begin writing this little blog which to be honest, is the main reason i made this whole thing. Now after i said that you may be asking yourself, "why make an entire website, and pay for the domain name and web hosting. why not just use something like Neocities, or even tumblr??". tbh idk. I kinda just want it to be really simple and I also just want more freedom and stuff and I don't wanna do all that stuff ykwim... maybe I'm just making it harder and more difficult on myself. That doesn''t matter right now. I made my mom pay for all of it (it was like 10 bucks in total for everything) because i am sadly unemployed (not by choice) and have no money. Once i finally get a job hopefully soon I'll be able to pay her back. It's currently 11:33 pm and im kinda distracted watching the youtube channel "Spilling The Milk". This is the video I'm watching rn. To be fully honest, I am very tired so I'll be keeping this brief as i do need to continue working on the rest of this site. For now I''ll end with this... LISTEN TO THIS SONG ITS A REALLY GOOD SOME I'M INTO RIGHT NOW!
Have a good day/night!!!